❗Attention❗Current shipping time is 1-2 working days!

Frequently asked questions

What is the delivery time?
Due to crowds, orders currently have a delivery time of 1-2 business days. If you have placed an order on Saturday or Sunday, it will be shipped the next working day.
I have not yet received my order, what now?
Please send us an email to the following email address: info@partyornaughty.nl Then we will solve it as soon as possible.
I have not received an email about my order, what now?
Please check your spam folder or send us an email to the following email address: info@partyornaughty.nl. Then we will solve it as soon as possible.

Fast delivery

Home delivery within 1-2 working days with PostNL.

100% Party Guarantee

More than 5,000 people preceded you.

The unique Icebreaker

Avoid uncomfortable moments with friends.